The Dude That Built Peter Askew's Journey

Domain: Company: DudeRanch
Price: $17,949 Year: 2009

This story is taken from Peter Askew’s blog which you can find here.


Peter Askew, a well-known domain investor who has made significant strides in the industry, shared his incredible journey of acquiring and developing Peter, known for his expertise in domain investments, operates under the handle @searchbound on Twitter.

The Initial Acquisition

In November 2009, Peter came across on the domain name auction block. The domain had expired after its previous owner, a dude ranch in New York state, went out of business. As an experienced domain investor, Peter saw the potential in this niche vacation industry domain and decided to bid for it.

After 35 minutes of intense bidding, Peter won the auction with a final bid of $17,949. This purchase marked the beginning of his adventure with

Developing the Domain

Peter’s vision for was to create a marketplace for dude ranch vacations. He saw the potential in the industry, with all-inclusive weekly rates for a family of four hovering around $8,000 and up to $20,000 for premium destinations. His goal was to make it easier for potential guests to find and book their ideal dude ranch vacations.

Peter’s approach was to build a simpler user interface compared to existing competitors, making the site more navigable and user-friendly. He began by signing up dude ranches at a competitive rate, aiming to onboard 50 ranches in the first year and another 50 in the second year.

The Journey

Peter’s journey with was not without challenges. Shortly after the purchase, he received a cease and desist letter for trademark infringement, which led to negotiations and eventually securing the necessary trademarks. Despite these hurdles, Peter persisted and continued to grow the platform.

Partnership and Growth

After a few years, Peter partnered with David McCollough of, combining their efforts to provide a comprehensive advertising solution for dude ranches. This partnership allowed them to enhance their offerings and build stronger relationships within the industry.

Peter traveled extensively to visit over 50 dude ranches across various states, deepening his understanding of the industry and forging meaningful connections with ranch operators. His dedication and passion for the niche helped solidify as a trusted platform for dude ranch vacations.

The Sale and Reacquisition

In 2019, Peter sold to David McCollough to fund a new project. However, in 2023, Peter had the opportunity to reacquire along with and This reacquisition marked a full-circle moment for Peter, allowing him to continue his work in the industry he had grown to love.


Peter Askew’s journey with is a testament to his persistence, passion, and strategic thinking in the domain investment world. His story highlights the potential of domain investments and the importance of following one’s instincts and dedication.

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